
What Does a Surgical Nurse Do?

NursingNovember 02, 2023

What Does a Surgical Nurse Do?                                           

A nurse’s work influences a healthcare facility’s ability to provide optimal patient care. One of the most important examples of this influence is in an operating room (OR) environment. Surgical nurses, 也被称为围手术期护士或or护士, 在整个手术过程中提供专业的病人护理. What exactly does a surgical nurse do, and why are their duties so important?

外科护士的确切职责是复杂而多样的. 培养对角色职责和职责的理解 educational requirements for the position.  This will help you determine if pursuing a route to gain the experience and any additional certifications required to become  a specialized surgical nurse role will align with your interests and your desired nursing career path.


Surgical nurses help coordinate patient care before, during, and after surgery. 他们的任务通常是维护一个安全的病人环境. They also work with other healthcare professionals to ensure that they’re fully equipped with what they need to provide the right kind of surgical patient care.

三种类型的外科护士角色是可用的. 第一种是清洁护士. These specialized registered nurses (RNs) 他们的职责主要集中在直接准备手术过程上. The second type is a circulating nurse; these RNs work outside the sterile field and don’t participate in the surgical process.  

第三种类型的外科护士角色, the RN first assistant, 也可以通过进一步的教育和培训来追求吗. 这些护士负责手术前、手术中和手术后的病人护理. 


While surgical nurses 他们总是在手术环境中工作,他们可以在各种设施中工作. They’re often employed in acute care hospitals, which provide different levels of trauma care. 他们也可以在门诊手术中心工作, 哪些手术不需要住院过夜.

Scrub Nurse Duties

消毒护士戴上消毒口罩协助手术小组, gloves, 还有手术时穿的长袍和传递的器械. Following the operation, the job involves clearing away the tools and preparing the patient for transport to the recovery room. 他们还要清点手术过程中使用的仪器和设备(海绵), medical supplies) to ensure that everything used is accounted for and that nothing was accidentally left elsewhere, such as inside the patient.

Circulating Nurse Duties

Circulating nurses take a more indirect approach to patient care in surgical situations. Their duties have a broader perspective, focusing on maintaining a safe and comfortable environment. 他们的职责包括检查手术设备, 验证患者的身份, and seeing that the patient’s family has signed the necessary consent forms. Other duties involve assisting the anesthesiologist with a patient and conferring with the surgeon about special concerns that can affect the patient’s care. 


注册护士第一助理负责广泛的任务. Their duties include watching for complications and monitoring the patient’s vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. Should trouble arise, RN first assistants will immediately alert the doctor. 他们的角色还包括实施心肺复苏术, controlling bleeding, suturing wounds, 包扎绷带. They may also perform patient assessments before surgery and before discharge.


不管外科护士通过他们的职责做了什么, 他们的工作需要精进的知识和技能. To obtain this acumen, candidates must commonly complete several steps before pursuing the role.

Education and Licensure

An undergraduate degree is typically required to pursue RN roles such as surgical nurse. An 护理学副学士(ADN) or a 护理学理学士 如何加深你的知识和技能,为注册护士的职业生涯做好准备. 

因为所有注册护士都必须有执业执照, you must also pass the National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) before applying for a surgical nurse role. 你可以在获得本科学位后参加这个考试.


Surgical nurses must develop experience in a supervised setting before pursuing the role.  In many states, RNs are required to have two years or more of experience before pursuing certification to become a scrub or OR nurse.  This experience will allow them to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom in an environment conducive to proper patient care. Nursing school programs typically feature coursework built around hands-on training in a controlled environment. You may also be able to earn further clinical experience through an internship, a mentoring program, or by volunteering.


外科护士必须具备较强的科学和医学知识. 理解解剖学等概念, physiology, and microbiology allows professionals to recognize and interpret potential issues that may develop throughout the surgical and postsurgical process. 

注意细节也是外科护士的基本技能. This skill applies to monitoring patients to ensure that they detect any complications. 它也适用于简单但重要的任务, 比如清点手术中使用的器械和设备.

外科护士还必须是熟练的沟通者. 他们之前通常与其他医疗保健专业人员一起工作, during, and after surgery, so they need to be able to relay vital information about a patient’s condition in clear, unambiguous terms.

Surgical Nurse Job Outlook

While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn’t specifically project  job growth for the surgical nurse role, 它的投影大约是193,2022年至2032年间,每年有100个注册护士职位空缺. These openings stem from increased demand for healthcare services and the transition of RNs into retirement, more advanced nursing roles, or different fields.


Surgical nurses provide care at a unique time in the overall patient journey. Whether the patient is in need of a simple outpatient procedure or a more complex surgery brought about by a traumatic event, surgical nurses help the process run as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Ultimately, their work can be crucial for a healthcare facility looking to improve patient outcomes.

The nursing school programs at Fortis, including the ADN program, can help prepare you to be ready for this important role as you gain experience in the field. Our programs are designed to help you establish a strong knowledge base and skill set to pursue your chosen nursing role with confidence. 了解更多关于富通护理团队如何帮助您做出改变的信息nce in the nursing profession.

Recommended Readings

事实上,一个流动护士是怎么做的? (With Skills and Salary)
U.S. 劳工统计局,注册护士